意尝有品 Il Molto Giorno & NANOGRESS

2017-11-01        来源:华人设计师网        作者:yandeyixiao

意尝有品 Il Molto Giorno & NANOGRESS

Il Molto Giorno is a Italian lifestyle experience center integrating the R&D center, wine club, coffee bar and Italian restuarant. And its main product is the porcelain tile in international brand NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO. Nowadays, we had more than 30 experience pavilions in all around the world , and we are planning to build more than 100 service stations in two years, so that we could provide the professional service for the customer who pursue the high-end lifestyle.

In this year,  Il Molto Giorno & NANOGRESS global show is on the rise around the world, especially in Sri Lanka, China and Thailand, having a great and further influence in the world wide with its unique concept and strength of brand.

The Chinese headquater, a experence center with more than 5000 quare meters of Il Molto Giorno is located in the Foshan Creative Utopia. It concentrates on offering the high quality design and service as well as creating a warm atmosphere for the customer who pursue the high-end lifestyle with its core brand vision--HOME PLUS.

意尝有品是以国际瓷砖品牌NANOGRESS PORCELLANATO瓷砖为主要产品,严选意大利优质生活元素,集研发设计室、葡萄酒俱乐部、休闲咖啡吧、意式餐厅等功能于一身的意式生活体验中心。目前,已在中国与海外陆续建立超过30家体验馆,并于两年内建设超过100个国家与地区的服务网点,为追求高品质生活理念的消费者,提供专业贴心的服务。今年,意尝有品 & NANOGRESS全球巡演,在斯里兰卡、中国、泰国等世界各地卷起意式生活体验热潮,独树一帜的品牌理念与雄厚的品牌力量使意尝有品在全球影响深远。

5000 多平方米中国总部体验馆位于佛山创意乌托邦,以HOME PLUS为核心品牌经营理念,专注为高品质生活追求的消费者提供高素质的设计、空间和服务。